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            2015. 47, № 5. P. 679–688. (Scopus, Web of Science).
                   8.  Krechkovs’ka H. V. Fractographic signs of the mechanisms of transportation of
            hydrogen in structural steels. Materials Science. 2016. Vol. 51, No 4. P. 509–513. (Sco-
            pus, Web of Science).
                   9.  Student  O. Z.,  Krechkovs’ka  H. V.,  Nykyforchyn  H. M.,  Kurnat  I. M.  Fracto-
            graphic criterion of attainment of the critical technical state by carbon steels. Materials
            Science. 2019. Vol. 55, No 2. С. 160–167. (Scopus, Web of Science).
                   10. Krechkovs’ka H. V., Yanovs’ky S. R., Student O. Z., Nykyforchyn H. M. Frac-
            tographic signs of the in-service degradation of welded joints of oil mains. Materials Sci-
            ence. 2015. Vol. 51, No 2. P. 165–171. (Scopus, Web of Science).
                   11. Krechkovs’ka H. V., Tsyrul’nyk O. T., Student O. Z. In-service degradation of
            mechanical  characteristics  of  pipe  steels  in  gas  mains.  Strength  of  Materials.  2019.
            Vol. 51, No. 3. P. 406–417. (Scopus, Web of Science).
                   12. Nykyforchyn  H.,  Tsyrulnyk  O.,  Zvirko  O.,  Krechkovska  H.  Non-destructive
            evaluation of brittle fracture resistance of operated gas pipeline steel using electrochemical
            fracture surface analysis. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2019, Vol. 104. P. 617–625. (Sco-
            pus, Web of Science).
                   13. Nykyforchyn H., Krechkovska H., Student O., Zvirko O. Feature of stress corro-
            sion cracking of degraded gas pipeline steels. Procedia Structural Integrity. 2019, Vol.16.
            P. 153–160. (Scopus, Web of Science).
                   14. Student O., Krechkovs’ka H. Visualization of damages of the main pipelines using
            cyclic hydrotesting. Procedia Structural Integrity. 2016. V.2. P. 549–556. (Scopus, Web of

                   15. Krechkovs’ka H. V., Mytsyk A. B., Student O. Z. Nykyforchyn H. M. Diagnostic
            indications of the in-service degradation of the pressure regulator of a gas-transportation sys-
            tem. Materials Science. 2016. Vol. 52, No 2. P. 233–239. (Scopus, Web of Science).

                   16. Hredil  M.,  Krechkovska  H.,   Student  O.,  Kurnat  I.   Fractographic  features  of
            long term operated gas pipeline steels fracture under impact loading. Procedia Structural
            Integrity. 2019. 21. 153–160 (Scopus, Web of Science).
                   17. Nemchuk, O. O., Krechkovska, H. V. Fractographic substantiation of the loss of
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            Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol. 2019. V. 41, P. 825 – 836. (Scopus).
                   18. Teliovich  R. V.,  Garasym  J. A.,  Krechkovska  H. V.,  Bondarevska  N. O.  Im-
            provement  of  structure  and  mechanical  characteristics  of  hot-rolled  eutectoid  steel  by
            means of high-speed heat treatment. Metallofiz. Noveishie Tekhnol. 2018. V. 40, P. 1489–
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                   19. Кречковська Г.В., Мицик А.Б., Студент О.З. Матеріалознавчі аспекти екс-
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            ресорної станції. Нафтогазова енергетика. 2017. №2 (28). С. 69–76.
                   20. Кречковська Г. В., Ткачук Ю. М., Студент О. З. Вплив експлуатаційної де-
            градації сталей 20Х13 та 34ХН3М на їх характеристики багатоциклової втоми. Нау-
            кові нотатки. 2013, Вип. 42. С. 141–149.
                   21. Студент О., Кречковська Г., Бабій Л.  Вплив теплозмін під час експлуатації
            парогонів ТЕС на статичну тріщиностійкість сталі 15Х1М1Ф. Вісник Тернопільсько-
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