Page 42 - Krechkovska_avtoref
P. 42


              Krechkovska  H.V.  Methodology  of  the  critical  state  assessment  of  long-term
       operated structural steels based on the changes in their structure, micromechamisms,
       and fracture resistance. – The manuscript.
              Thesis for the Doctorʼs degree of Engineering Sciences by speciality 05.02.01 – Ma-
       terials Science. – Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sci-
       ences of Ukraine, Lviv, 2020.
              An important scientific and technical problem has been solved in this work devoted
       to  the  development,  approbation  and  implementation  of  methodology  for  assessing  the
       structural and mechanical state of structural steels after their long-term operation under
       various temperature and stress conditions in corrosive and hydrogenative environments.
       The  methodology  is  based  on  the  relationships  between  quantitative  structural,  fracto-
       graphic and mechanical indicators sensitive to their degradation.
              Carbon steels produced in the late 19  and early 20  centuries (Shukhov towers,
       Wroclaw  bridges)  as  well  as  low  alloy  steels  of  gas  and  oil  pipelines  and  also  heat-
       resistant low- and high-alloy steels (elements of steam pipelines of TPPs and rotor blades
       of steam turbines) have been analyzed. On the basis of a comprehensive study of the me-
       chanical characteristics of steels, the choice of indicators sensitive to their degradation has
       been substantiated. The impact toughness KCV was used for steels operated under ambi-
       ent conditions, and the effective threshold of fatigue crack growth resistance ΔK            th  eff  for
       ones  operated  at  elevated  temperatures. As  the  structural  indicator  of  the  state  of  heat-
       resistant steels, the sizes of carbides and grains were used, and as the fractographic one the
       fraction of the fracture surface with fractographic features of steel degradation. For the
       steels long term operated under ambient conditions, such signs were the delaminations and
       transgranular cleavages on the fracture surfaces of impact specimens, and in the case of
       high-temperature  conditions  -  the  fragments  of  intergranular  fracture  against  the  back-
       ground of transgranular fatigue relief on the fracture surfaces of specimens after fatigue
       crack growth testing.
              It was proved that the sizes of microstructure elements (carbides and grains), meas-
       ured across the wall thickness of steam pipelines (in pipe radial cross-section), correlate
       with circular tensile stresses acting permanently in the cross section of pipe wall under
       steady-state  operating  conditions  or  occurred  for  a  short  time  during  planned  or  forced
       shutdowns. It was shown that the pipe outer surface is subjected to tensile stresses at all
       stages of their operation, and this stimulates the grain growth, intensifies the coagulation
       of carbides along grain boundaries, and accelerates the pipe fracture due to creep.
              It was established that a common fractographic sign of cohesion weakening between
       adjacent grains in operated low- and high-alloy heat-resistant steels is intergranular frac-
       ture fragments found on the operational fracture surfaces of power equipment elements
       (straight sections and bends of steam lines of TPPs, the rotor blades of steam turbines) as
       well as on the fracture surfaces of exploited steel specimens after fatigue testing. For both
       types of heat-resistant steels, dependencies were plotted between the change in their ΔK            th
         values and fraction of the fracture surface with fractographic features of steel degrada-
       tion in the form of intergranular fragments against the background of transgranular fatigue
       relief on the fracture surfaces of specimens. The critical states of both low- and high-alloy
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