P. 12


               layers decreases during friction tests with a rigidly fixed abrasive by 48 ... 93 times

               due  to  an  increase  in  the  volume  content  of  Al 4SiC 4  particles  with  globular

               morphology and high hardness. Since the maximum effect of the laser modification

               was manifested in the wear resistance of the surface on the B95 alloy, it was further


                      It was revealed that the abrasive wear resistance increases in proportion to the

               volume content of SiC particles in the modified alloy.

                      The speed of movement of the laser beam (linear energy of the beam) over the

               surface affects the structure and wear resistance of laser-modified layers as well as

               the heating of the substrate. In particular, with an increase in heat input from 740 to

               1100 J/cm, the concentration of SiC particles in the modified layer increases by 25%,

               and  the  wear  resistance  during  friction  tests  with  a  rigidly  fixed  abrasive  by

               1,7...2 times.

                      It  was  found  that  the  wear  resistance  of  the  modified  layer  is  almost  not

               affected  by  the  direction  of  friction  (along  or  across  the  laser  processing  tracks),

               however, the ratio of adjacent tracks overlap significantly affects. So, when rubbing

               with a rigidly fixed abrasive, with an increase in the width of the overlapping zone of
               laser tracks from 25 to 50%, obtained at a linear energy of 740 and 1100 J/cm, the

               wear of the reinforced layer is reduced by half. An increase in wear resistance was
               associated with an increase in the volume content of SiC particles in the modified

                      Thus, the wear resistance of the modified layer under friction by a rigidly fixed

               abrasive  increases  with  an  increase  in  the  size  of  SiC  particles  and  their  volume

               content, an increase in the linear energy of the laser beam and the tracks overlap ratio.

                      When testing with a non-fixed abrasive, the trends in wear resistance remained,

               however, the influence of the factors analyzed above is much weaker. Depending on

               the  processing  conditions,  it  increased  only  by  10...35%  in  comparison  with  an

               unchanged surface.

                      After analyzing the worn surfaces, the wear mechanism of the laser-modified

               layer on the B95 alloy is revealed, and it was found that during friction with a rigidly
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