P. 43


           operational documentation and the results of ground technical diagnostics and laboratory
           studies. The probability of corrosion cracking on sections of three main gas pipelines of
           Ukraine is estimated. It is shown that in regions that are identified as potentially corrosive
           dangerous,  failures  due  to  corrosion  cracking  were  detected.  It  is  confirmed  that  the
           developed  methodology  allows  to  determine  the  regions  of  gas  pipelines  of  increased
           corrosion danger quite accurately.
                  The results of the work were used in the development of SOU 60.3-30019801-070,
           DSTU N B A.3.1-29, changes No. 1 to DSTU 4219.
                  Key  words:  main  gas  pipeline,  pipe  steel,  protective  coatings,  stress  corrosion
           cracking,  comprehensive  anti-corrosion  protection,  cathodic  protection,  slow  strain  rate
           test method, potentiometry, fractography.

                                             Підписано до друку 01.03.2021 р.
                                            Ум. др. арк.1,7. Формат 60х84/16.
                                  Наклад 100 прим. Папір офсетний. Зам. № 2602/2021.
                                           Свідоцтво ДК 5941 від 11.01.2018 р.
                                          03127 м. Київ, вул. Героїв Оборони 8.
                                            Тел. (050) 411-66-51, (044) 22-99-539

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