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                  20ХН3А and 55СМФА steels increases their resistance to contact fatigue in 3 and

                  2.2 times in corrosive medium (water) and in 2 and 1.3 times in corrosive-abrasive

                  medium (water with quartz sand), respectively. Moreover, increasing the thickness

                  of the nanocrystalline surface layer increases their resistance to contact fatigue.

                         Scientific novelty of the obtained results.

                         For the first time, main parameters of crystallites with size in the range of 12

                  –  60  nm  and  a misorientation angle  of more than 10  degrees, formed by

                  mechanical pulse treatment  on  pearlite carbon and low-alloyed steels,  were

                  established. It was shown that the size of crystallites depended on technological

                  regimes of mechanical pulse treatment and the used technological environment.

                         For the first time, it was revealed that nanocrystalline structures, formed on

                  the  40X and  65Г  steels using a mechano-pulse treatment method,  retain a

                  nanostructured state under heating up to a temperature of 500 ° C. The regularities

                  of changing the size of crystallites in the surface layer in a nanostructural scale

                  range with  an increase of heating temperature  were  established: the size  of

                  crystallites  was  decreased  at increasing temperature up  to 300 °C and it  was

                  increased at higher temperatures.

                         It was found that the hardened surface layer with nanocrystalline structure

                  on  the 45 steel  was characterized by lower hydrogen  permeability (hydrogen

                  diffusion coefficient is in 1.3–4 times lower) and higher in 1.5–4.4 times efficiency

                  of hydrogen trapping in comparison with the untreated steel. Therefore, it serves as

                  a barrier for hydrogen penetration into the bulk material. It  was  shown  that the

                  highest  resistance  of  the  steel  to  hydrogen  embrittlement  was  provided  by

                  nanostructurization of  the steel surface using  mechanical-pulse treatment  with

                  multidirectional deformation in an oil technological medium.

                         It was established that coefficient of friction decreased significantly after the

                  surface mechanical-pulse treatment  of steels.  It was reduced  in almost  4 times

                  under oil wear of the 45 steel in a friction pair with the ШХ15 steel.

                         Practical significance of the obtained results.

                         The method  of mechano-pulse treatment of carbon and  low  alloyed
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