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                  structural steels, which combines nanostructuring and alloying of the surface layer,

                  was improved. Its practical capabilities were extended, since it enables control of

                  physical and mechanical  properties  of the treated surface layer.  The usage of

                  mechanical-pulse treatment provided  an increase  in  operational properties and

                  lifetime  of  components made of  carbon and  low alloyed  steels under difficult

                  operating conditions, namely, the action of corrosive-hydrogenating media, contact

                  loads, abrasive or oil-abrasive wear.

                         The method of mechanical-pulse treatment  with  formation of surface

                  nanocrystalline  structures was implemented  at MCC  “Lvivvodokanal”

                  (strengthening pump sleeves made of the  45  and  40X steel at  sewage treatment

                  plants)  and PJSC “Kohavynska Paperova Fabryka”  (strengthening  pump sleeves

                  made of the 45 and 40X steel at cellulose technological processing line) to increase

                  their service life, which ensured its growth in 2.5 – 3 times.

                         Keywords:  nanocrystalline structure, mechanical-pulse treatment, friction

                  coefficient, mechanical  properties, wear resistance,  hydrogen embrittlement,

                  fatigue, corrosion fatigue, contact fatigue.

                                 Список опублікованих праць за темою дисертації:

                    Наукові праці, в яких опубліковані основні наукові результати дисертації:

                         1. Nykyforchyn  H.,  Kyryliv  V.,  Maksymiv  O.  Physical  and  mechanical

                  properties  of surface  nanocrystalline structure generated  by  severe plastic

                  deformation. In: Fesenko O., Yatsenko L. (eds.). Nanocomposites, Nanophotonics,

                  Nanobiotechnology, and Applications. Springer Proceedings in Physics. Vol. 156.

                  Springer: Cham, 2015. P. 31–41. (Scopus)

                         2. Nykyforchyn  H., Lunarska E., Kyryliv  V., Maksymiv O. Influence  of

                  hydrogen on mechanical  properties  of  steels with the surface  nanostructure. In:

                  Fesenko O., Yatsenko L. (eds.). Nanoplasmonics, Nano-Optics, Nanocomposites,

                  and Surface studies. Springer Proceedings in Physics. Vol. 167. Springer: Cham,

                  2015. P. 457–465. (Scopus)
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