P. 21


                 Выявлен эксплуатационный распад перлита в стали 20 при катодной защите
          трубопровода,  который  сопровождался  снижением  коррозионной  стойкости  и
          повышением  концентрации  водорода.  Установлено  преимущества  использования
          для  заземлителей  эксплуатационно  деградированных  труб.  Зафиксировано
          эксплуатационное  снижение  склонности  к  питтингообразованию  и  повышение
          коррозионной  стойкости  стали  12Х18Н10Т,  что  требует  дополнительного
          количества анодов, однако увеличивает их ресурс.
                 Предложен  метод  повышения  эффективности  анодных  заземлений
          активаторами.        Разработана       конструкция        заземления,       которая      позволяет

          контролировать сопротивление в системе анод–грунт использованием технических
                 Ключевые  слова:  сталь,  активные  вещества,  анодное  заземление,
          электрическое сопротивление, катодная защита, коррозия.


                 Usov D. I. Improving the efficiency of long-term operated anodic groundings of
          cathodic  protection  system  of  pipelines.  –  Qualification  scientific  work  as  the
                 Thesis for the Candidate’s degree in engineering sciences by speciality 05.17.14 –
          Сhemical  resistance  of  materials  and  corrosion  protection.  –  Karpenko  Physico-
          Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, 2021.
                 The dissertation is devoted to the establishment of electrochemical features and
          regularities of degradation of  ferrite-pearlite  and  austenitic  steels of pipelines  under
          cathodic protection, its impact  on the state of anode groundings over a long service
          life, as well as the development of the methods to improve their efficiency and extend
          the resource.
                 Significant changes in the microstructure of the low carbon ferrite-pearlite 20 steel
          as  a  result of its long-term  operation  under  cathodic protection  of  pipeline under  high
          pressure were revealed: an increase in the portion of ferrite because of the decomposition
          of  pearlite.  They  were  accompanied  by  an  increase  in  the  concentration  of  residual
          hydrogen,  a  significant  decrease  in  the  corrosion  resistance  and  some  mechanical
          properties  but  not  enough  noticed  from  the  point  of  a  loss  structural  strength  of  pipe
          groundings.  It  has  been  established  that  the  20  steel  operated  for  51  years  having  the
          highest hydrogen content (more than in order in comparison with the initial steel state) is
          characterized by the lowest corrosion resistance in 3% NaCl (1.6 times lower than that of
          steel  in  the  initial  state)  and  the  highest  portion  of  ferrite  due  to  the  operational
          decomposition  of  pearlite,  which  indicates  a  special  role  of  hydrogen  in  degradation
          process.  The  advantage  in  the  usage  of degraded  pipes  after preliminary  operation  for
          anodic groundings has been shown, which are characterized by increased current output
          due to the operational decrease of their corrosion resistance.
                 For anodes manufactured from the austenitic 12X18H10T steel as alternative for
          carbon steels a decrease in pitting and an increase in corrosion resistance by 7.8-13 times,
          depending on the distance from the drainage point after 2.5 years of operation, compared
          with steel in the initial state, have been revealed. Such an effect of groundings operation
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