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                          Список опублікованих праць за темою дисертації:

             Наукові праці, в яких опубліковані основні наукові результати дисертації:

          1.  Nykyforchyn H., Kyryliv V., Maksymiv O. Physical and mechanical properties of
              surface nanocrystalline structure generated by  severe  plastic  deformation.  In:
              Fesenko      O.,    Yatsenko      L.     (eds.).   Nanocomposites,        Nanophotonics,
              Nanobiotechnology, and Applications.  Springer Proceedings in Physics.
              Vol. 156. Springer: Cham, 2015. P. 31–41. (Scopus)
          2.  Nykyforchyn H., Lunarska E., Kyryliv V., Maksymiv O. Influence of hydrogen
              on mechanical properties of steels with the surface nanostructure. In: Fesenko O.,
              Yatsenko L. (eds.). Nanoplasmonics, Nano-Optics, Nanocomposites, and Surface
              studies. Springer Proceedings  in Physics.  Vol. 167. Springer: Cham, 2015.
              P. 457–465. (Scopus)
          3.  Nykyforchyn  H. M.,  Lunarska E.,  Kyryliv  V. I.,  Maksymiv  O. V.  Hydrogen
              permeability  of  the  surface  nanocrystalline  structures  of  carbon  steel.  Materials
              Science. 2015. Vol. 50. No 5. P. 698–705. (Scopus, Web of Science)
          4.  Nykyforchyn H.,  Kyryliv V.,  Maksymiv O.  Effect of nanostructurisation for
              structural steels on  their wear hydrogen embittlement resistance.  Solid State
              Phenomena. 2015. Vol. 225. P. 65–70. (Scopus)
          5.  Kyryliv  V. I.,  Chaikovs’kyi  B. P.,  Maksymiv  O. V.,  Shal’ko  A. V.  Contact
              fatigue of 20KhN3A steel with surface nanostructure. Materials Science. 2016.
              Vol. 51, No 6. P. 833–838. (Scopus, Web of Science)
          6.  Nykyforchyn H., Kyryliv V., Maksymiv O., Slobodian Z., Tsyrulnyk O.
              Formation  of  surface  corrosion-resistant  nanocrystalline  structures  on  steel.
              Nanoscale Research Letters. 2016. Vol. 11: 51. (Scopus, Web of Science)
          7.  Kyryliv V. I.,  Chaikovs’kyi B. P.,  Maksymiv O. V.,  Shal’ko A. V., Sydor P. Ya.
              Serviceability of 60Kh2M roll steel with surface nanostructure. Materials Science.
              2017. Vol. 52. No 6. P. 848–853. (Scopus, Web of Science)
          8.  Nykyforchyn H., Kyryliv V., Maksymiv O. Wear resistance of steels with surface
              nanocrystalline  structure  generated  by  mechanical-pulse  treatment.  Nanoscale
              Research Letters. 2017. Vol. 12:150. (Scopus, Web of Science)
          9.  Kyryliv V. I., Chaikovs’ky B. P., Maksymiv O. V., Shal’ko A. V. Contact fatigue
              of 20KhN3A and 55SMFA steels with surface nanostructured layer in corrosive-
              abrasive media.  Materials Science. 2018.  Vol. 53.  No  4.  P. 508–513.  (Scopus,
              Web of Science)
          10. Kyryliv V., Chaikovs’kyi B., Maksymiv O., Mykytchak B. Fatigue and corrosion
              fatigue of the roll steels with surface nanostructure. Journal of Nano Research.
              2018. Vol. 51. P. 92–97. (Scopus, Web of Science)
          11. Nykyforchyn H.,        Kyryliv V.,       Maksymiv O.,        Kochubei V.,       Boyko R.,
              Dovhunyk V.  Wear resistance of the surface nanocrystalline structure under an
              action of diethyleneglycol  medium. Applied Nanoscience. 2019. Vol. 9. No. 5.
              P. 1085–1090. (Scopus, Web of Science)
          12. Maksymiv  O.,  Kyryliv  V.,  Zvirko  O.,  Nykyforchyn  N.  Behavior  of  tempered
              surface  nanocrystalline  structures  obtained  by  mechanical-pulse  treatment.  In:
              Fesenko O., Yatsenko L. (eds.). Nanophotonics, Nanooptics, Nanobiotechnology,
              and  Their  Applications.  Springer  Proceedings  in  Physics.  Vol. 221.  Springer:
              Cham, 2019. P. 125–134. (Scopus)
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