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               consists  in  the  development  of  a  non-destructive  diagnostic  method  that  allows  for

               assessing  the  state  of  ferromagnetic  structural  elements  and  industrial  structures  by

               means of the parameters of the MAE signal is solved. This method efficiently works

               under real long-term exploitation and without the need of any additional load, the need

               to stop working or changing the operating mode of the element which is under control.

                     The results of theoretical studies of the structure and statistical properties of the

               MAE  signals  and  approaches  for  their  selection  and  processing  are  underlain  at

               modernization and brought to practical use of magnetoacoustic information-measuring

                     The results obtained in this work form the basis for the development of the method

               for diagnostic of the stress state of ferromagnetic materials, which allowsfor determi-

               ning of residual stress zones when diagnosing long-term exploited pipe steels and in

               practice ensuring an error less than 11%.

                      The research results areintroduced for MAE-diagnostics of long-term exploitation

               facilities  at  “Main  pipelines  “Druzhba”,  a  branch  of  PJSC  “Ukrtransnafta”  and  at

               “PRIKARPATTRANSGAS Gas Pipeline Management”.

                      Keywords: ferromagnetic material, domain wall, magnetic field, magnetoelastic

               acoustic  emission,  mathematical  model,  information  parameters  of  the  signal,

               evaluation algorithms, diagnostic method, stress state.

                                 Список опублікованих праць за темою дисертації:

                     Наукові праці, в яких опубліковані основні наукові результати дисертації:

                     1. Skal’s’kyi V. R., Pochaps’kyi E. P., Mel’nyk N. P. Modeling of motion of the

               domain walls in ferromagnetic materials (A survey). Materials Science. 2016. Vol. 51.

               No 6. P. 753–764. (Web of Science, Scopus).

                     2. Почапський Є. П., Мельник Н. П. Оцінювання переміщень доменної стінки

               у  феромагнетних  матеріалах  за  дії  зовнішнього  магнетного  поля.  Вісник

               Тернопільського національного університету. 2015. № 3. С. 102–109.

                     3. Pochaps’kyi E. P., Mel’nyk N. P., Koblan І. М. Influence of the conditions of

               excitation and generation of magnetoelastic acoustic emission signals in ferromagnetic
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