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The thesis is submitted for Ph.D. degree in technical sciences, speciality 05.02.10 –
Diagnostics of Materials and Constructions (132 – Materials Science). – Karpenko
Physico-Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv,
The dissertation is aimed at solving the significant scientific and technical problem
consists in the development of the method for diagnostic of the condition of the long-
term exploited ferromagnetic elements of constructions on the parameters of the signal
of magnetoelastic acoustic emission (MAE). This method is based on the analysis of the
mechanism of generation of the MAE, selection and substantiation of the statistical
model of the registered signal, development of effective algorithms for processing the
result of the received signals as well as the method for diagnostic of ferromagnetic
Today in the industrial complex of Ukraine, a relevant problem is the diagnostics
of the condition of metal products and structural elements, as well as equipment, which
has completed its design resource and needed replacement. Most of equipment in the
industrial sector is made from steels that are ferromagnetic materials. Contacting during
long-term exploitation with a medium which contains hydrogen or hydrogen sulfide,
undergoing temperature changes, environmental influences and natural factors, and also
stresses influences, ferromagnetic materials are degraded losing their strength properties
and characteristics.
To improve the quality of technical diagnostics of the state of the materials from
which these products are made, it is necessary to develop and apply new methods and
means of non-destructive testing. A perspective diagnostic method is the MAE method,
which occurs during the re-magnetization of the ferromagnet and is associated with the
jump motion of non-180° domain walls.
The dissertation presents a mathematical model of motion of non-180° domain
wall during the ferromagnetic re-magnetization based on the energy approach is
developed. The relation ship between parameters of the jump of non-180° domain wall
and the parameters of the MAE signal and the tested ferromagnetic material is