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               surface objects of the selected area. It was found that oxide ceramic coatings on the

               alloy MA 18, which were synthesized in the electrolyte 3 g/k KOH + 2 g/l (RS) at the

               densities of cathode and anode currents of 20 A/dm  for 180 min have the maximum
               number of surface defects with an area of 2 µm .
                      A  method  for  image  analysis  of  the  surface  layer  of  an  aluminum  alloy

               reinforced with silicon carbide particles has been developed. 3D modeling of silicon

               carbide  particles  of  different  sizes  based  on  cutting  the  vertices  of  the  cube  is

               performed.  Simulations  for  different  percentages  of  particle  filling  in  the  surface

               layer of aluminum alloy based on uniform distribution are performed. This made it

               possible to compare experimental and simulated surface layers and further predict the

               mechanical properties of such surfaces.

                     A  number  of  methods  for  segmentation  of  painted  coatings  of  structural

               materials  are  proposed.  For  most  coatings,  damage  should  be  assessed  by  the

               intensity of the formation of corrosion products of the base material, based either on

               their negative impact on the appearance of the product, or on the inability to use the

               product due to its corrosion damage. The diagnostic feature is the ratio of the area of

               rust areas to the surface area.

                     A  method  of  noise-resistant  segmentation  of  corrosion  damage  on  images  of

               painted surfaces of arbitrary color on the basis of a cylindrical color model and one-
               scale  retinex  has  been  developed.  This  increased  the  reliability  of  the  quantitative

               assessment of the area of  corroded areas.
                     Thus, as a result of research conducted in the dissertation, a set of methods for

               diagnosing the state of materials and structures, based on the segmentation of their
               digital images.

                     In  practice, the  results  of  the  dissertation  were  used  in  the  Ugersk diagnostic

               section  of  the  Ivano-Frankivsk  territorial  center  of  the  Research  and  Production

               Center  for  Technical  Diagnostics  "Techdiagaz",  c.  Uhersko,  Lviv  region  when

               analyzing  the  defect  of  welded  joints  by  their  radiographic  images;  at  the  State

               Enterprise  Engineering  Center  "Lvivanticor",  Lviv  in  the  analysis  of  images  of

               corroded surfaces; in LLC DIALAB LTD, Odessa at the analysis of images of the
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