Page 11 - Dycert_Havryluk
P. 11


               of  friction  coefficient  curves  for  LCLs  and  LCLr  in  the  range  of  100  ...  1000  N

               characterizes  the  lubricating  ability  stability  of  the  new  LCL.  The  total  wear  on  the

               cutting path S = 1000 m with LCLo emulsion is 5 g and with LCLs emulsion - 7.86 g. It

               is established that 3% LCLs emulsion provides 1.5 times larder wear than LCLo.

                     The drilling speed was determined by drilling of 12Kh18АG18Sh steel under axial

               load 150 N. The optimal range of cutting speeds for high strength steels with new LCLs

               is 1.3 times higher, and comparing with to dry cutting - by 2.8 times. At the same time

               the stability of a tool increases by 1.6 times. When chemical composition of LCLo is

               changed  to  LCLs  or  LCLr  at  3%  concentration  the  duration  of  38KhN3МFА  steel

               samples  drilling  increases  by  60%,  while under  turning  value  of  tool  wear  decreases

               accordingly  by  2  times.  The  results  of  LCL  tribological  investigations  correlate  with

               electrochemical and adsorption measurements data.

                      Scientific novelty of the obtained results.

                      The  composition  of  new  environmentally  friendly  LCLs  with  increased

               anticorrosion  effect,  providing  the  protection  of  parts  and  equipment  during  the
               interoperate  period  after  machining  of  high  strength  steels  is  proposed  and

               substantiated.  The  reaction  of  transesterification  of  triglycerides  with  triethanolamine
               and  the  double  bonding  with  monoethanolamine  of  sunflower  and  rapeseed  oils

               increased anticorrosion and lubricity of LCLs on their basis.
                      The rational concentrate content in the working fluid (3 wt.%) was established on

               the basis of electrochemical and tribological investigations of  new LCL. It was found
               that in  LCL  on  the  basis  of  sunflower  and  rapeseed  oils,  compared  with  mineralized

               water, the corrosion rate of 38KhN3МFА steel reduces by an order of magnitude and its

               degree  of  corrosion  protection  exceeds  90%.  It  is  shown  that  in  the  new  LCL

               38KhN3МFА steel corrosion proceeds at anode control and after mechanical processing


                      The mechanism of proposed LCL action, which consists in LCL chemosorption

               on  the  steel  surface  after  machining,  is  revealed.  The  LCLs  (LCLr)  adhesion  for

               38KhN3МFА steel is 63.6 ∙ 10  (63.9 ∙ 10 ) N/m, which is less than ~ 1.7 times in
               comparison with mineralized water (110.4 ∙ 10  N/m).
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