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               The  influence  of  microstructure  features  of  steels  of  casing  pipes  with  different
         strength on their corrosion resistance, brittle fracture resistance, susceptibility to hydrogen
         embrittlement has been analysed. It has been established that the initial stage of corrosion
         of  the  ferritic-pearlitic  50Г  and  32Г2  steels  in  an  acid  chloride  solution  modelling
         formation  water  consists  in  the  predominant  dissolution  of  structural-free  ferrite,  the
         fraction  of  which  in  the  steel  microstructure  is  the  dominant  factor  of  corrosion
         intensification. The limiting stages of electrochemical reactions on the ferritic-perlite 32Г2
         steel in chloride solution depending on pH have been distinguished: cathodic control for
         pH = 4.15–6.3 and cathodic-anodic control for pH = 3.1. The influence of microstructure
         of ferritic-pearlitic steels of casing pipes with different strength on resistance to hydrogen
         embrittlement  has  been  shown:  the  32Г2  steel  with  higher  strength  and  with  more
         dispersed microstructure is more susceptible to it under pre-electrolytic hydrogenation than
         the 50Г steel with lower strength and with coarse-grained microstructure (coarse-grained
         pearlite edged by ferrite).
               For the first time, degradation degree of the low-alloyed 20H2M and 35ХМ steels of
         pump rods after their long-term (5.5 years) operation has been estimated by reducing their
         corrosion resistance, resistance to stress corrosion cracking, fatigue and corrosion-fatigue
         at the stages of  crack initiation  and crack propagation in a model solution of formation
         water  with  pH  =  3.1.  It  has  been  found  that  a  model  formation  water  with  pH  =  3.1
         intensifies the fatigue crack growth in the 20H2M steel in the medium-amplitude region of
         loading  due  to  a  combination  of  mechanisms  of  fatigue  failure  and  syress  corrosion
         cracking, as indicated by the tendency to form a plateau on fatigue crack growth diagrams.
               For the first time, the effectiveness of protection of the operated low-alloyed 20H2M
         steel in a model solution of formation water with pH = 3.1 against corrosion and corrosion-
         fatigue at the stages of crack initiation and propagation with environmentally friendly tannin
         (protection  degree  of  80-85%)  has  been  revealed.  The  correlation  between  charge  for
         oxidation of freshly formed surface of the 20H2M steel and resistance to corrosion-fatigue
         crack  initiation  in  the  steel  in  a  model  solution  of  formation  water  at  different  tannin
         concentration has been established. On this basis, a method for predicting corrosion-fatigue
         durability  of  ferritic-pearlite  steels  of  pump  rods  in  formation  water  with  addition  of  an
         inhibitor has been developed.
               The influence of operation conditions and hydrogenation on degree of anisotropy of
         characteristics  of  strength,  plasticity,  impact  toughness,  resistance  to  hydrogen
         embrittlement and fracture toughness of rolled pipeline steels depending on the orientation
         of  the  plane  of  fracture  propagation  in  axial,  tangential  and  radial  directions  have  been
         assessed. It has been established that the tensile deformation energy of the hydrogenated
         specimen with a crack before its start in the direction between the fibers is 60 times less
         than across the fibers.
               Keywords:  steel,  corrosion,  electrochemical  properties,  inhibitor,  hydrogenation,
         corrosion-mechanical fracture, corrosion fatigue, operation.
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