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P. 41


            цикла  нагружения  и  переменной  амплитуды,  которая  основывается  на  критерии
            усталостного  разрушения,  определенном  при  постоянной  амплитуде    суммарной
            удельной  энергии  упругой  деформации.  Относительная  погрешность  между
            расчетными и экспериментальными данными не превышает 30,1%, а все расчетные
            долговечности  лежат  внутри  2,5  прогнозируемого  диапазона.  Предложено
            методологию ускоренного определения констант в модели усталостного разрушения,
            основанную  на  критерии  суммарной  удельной  энергии  упругой  деформации  по
            результатам  испытания  квазистатическим  одноосным  растяжением  и  при
            фиксированной постоянной амплитуде нагружения.
                  Ключевые  слова:  псевдоупругий  NiTi  сплав,  функциональная  усталость,
            конструкционная  усталость,  удельная  энергия  диссипации,  суммарная  удельная
            энергия упругой деформации, водородное охрупчивание, асимметрия цикла нагрузки,
            переменная амплитуда нагрузки, рост усталостной трещины, размах коэффициента
            интенсивности напряжения, демпфирующие устройства, коэффициент потерь.


                  Iasnii V.P. Development of methods for predicting the fatigue life of pseudoelastic
            shape memory alloys.  Manuscript.
                  Thesis for the Doctor’s degree of Engineering Sciences in the specialty 01.02.04  

            Mechanics  of  deformable  solid  body.    Karpenko  Physico-Mechanical  Institute  of  the
            National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, 2021.
                  To solve an important scientific and technical problem, which consists in increase the
            reliability of structural elements operation devices made of shape memory alloys, results
            was formulated and substantiated. The results include fatigue failure criteria and methods
            for predicting their durability, taking into account the influence of stress ratio and variable
            amplitude loading.
                  The significant decrease in stress of austenitic-martensitic transformation σ AM (up to
            14%)  and  the  fracture  stress  (up  to  24%)  of  the  SMA  NiTi  alloy  after  electrolytic
            hydrogenation  compared  to  the  material  in  virgin  state  was  observed.  Increasing  the
            intensity and duration of hydrogenation can lead to absence of plastic deformation region
            on the stress-strain curve due to a combination of processes caused by hydrogenation of
            intensive martensitic transformation and hydrogen embrittlement of martensitic structure.
            There is a tendency to reorientation of the macrofracture surface from perpendicular, to the
            axis of specimens, to the screw dislocation line, which is obviously due to the intensification
            of martensitic transformation in the plane of maximum shear stresses.
                  The  basic  regularities  of  the  influence  of  the  parameters  under  variable  amplitude
            loading sequence with two blocks on the functional properties and structural fatigue of the
            pseudoelastic SMA are established. Residual strain significantly increases with the  increase
            of loading cycles number at stress ratio R= 0,09 – 0,13 due to its proportional increasing
            on the block I and reaches almost 7% before failure. The transition from high (I) to low (II)
            block  partially  restores  the  functional  properties  of  the  NiTi  alloy,  the  residual  strain
            decreases within the block II, which can be caused by a decrease in residual martensite. With
            the increase of loading cycles’number, the dissipation energy increases at the start and end
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