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                Semak P. M.  Evaluation  the  condition  of  the  material  surface  layers  by
           measuring  the  velocity  of  surface  Rayley  waves  with  different  frequencies  -
                The thesis is submitted for Ph.D. degree in technical sciences, speciality 05.02.10 -
           diagnostics  of  materials  and  constructions  -  Karpenko  Physico-Mechanical  Institute,
           Lviv, 2020.
                The  dissertation  work  is  aimed  at  solving  important  scientific  and  technical
           problems  of  materials  and  designs  diagnostics, namely  –  development  of  methods  for
           estimating  the  inhomogeneous  near-surface  layer  of  material  for  thickness  based  on
           measuring the propagation speed of Rayleigh waves with different frequencies.
                Degradation and almost all types of material processing begin with the modification
           of the surface layer, and then change the properties of the material on the internal volume
           of  the  sample  (we  are  talking  about  mechanical  processing,  in  particular  hardening,
           thermal, flooding, coating). Naturally, the urgent task is to estimate the parameters of the
           inhomogeneous near-surface layer of material in thickness. To solve this problem, it is
           adequate to use surface acoustic Rayleigh waves at different frequencies. This is due to
           the fact that the depth of penetration of the surface acoustic Rayleigh wave depends on
           the  frequency  of  the  probing  signal,  and  the  speed,  attenuation  and  "structure"  of  the
           Rayleigh wave are associated with mechanical, thermal and other characteristics of the
           surface layer of material in which it (wave) is propagating. Therefore, it is possible to
           obtain information about the state of the surface layer of the material in thickness based
           on  the  speed,  attenuation  and  other  parameters  of  Rayleigh  waves  at  different
                An  analytical  review  and  systematic  analysis  of  literature  sources  about  modern
           methods and means of measuring the parameters of surface acoustic Rayleigh waves was
           done.  Restriction on the use of surface acoustic Rayleigh waves of different frequencies
           to determine the parameters of inhomogeneous near-surface layers in thickness was set.
                It  is  estimated  the  thickness  of  the  material  layer, which  can be  characterized  by
           determining the velocity of the Rayleigh wave of a certain frequency. This analysis is
           based  on  the  depth  distribution  of  the  Rayleigh  wave  energy.  A  criterion  is  proposed
           according to which wave velocity is determined by a layer of material with a thickness of
           0.6 λ (λ is the wavelength).
                To ensure the required resolution of measuring of changes in the surface acoustic
           Rayleigh wave parameters in thickness, it is justified the use of long-term probing radio
           pulses, which are narrowband. The width of the allowable spectrum of Rayleigh wave
           acoustic pulse and its connection with depth separation are analyzed. It is shown that for
           high separation it is necessary to use probing acoustic pulses with duration one and half
           orders of magnitude for the period of high-frequency signal filling.

                A method for measuring the velocity of surface acoustic Rayleigh waves based on
           the  use  of  long-term  probing  radio  pulses  has  been  developed.  Rigidly  connected
           piezoelectric  transducers  are  used  to  measure  the  speed  of  Rayleigh  surface  acoustic
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