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               25.09.2020, бюл. № 18.

                           Наукові праці, які засвідчують апробацію матеріалів дисертації:

                      32.  Iasnii  V.,  Yasniy  P.  Influence  of  stress  ratio  on  structural  fatigue  of

               pseudoelastic  NiTi  alloy.  1st  Virtual  European  Conference  on  Fracture.  2020.


                      33. Iasnii V., Yasniy P., Sobaszek L., Lapusta Y. The effect of stress ratio on

               functional behavior and structural fatigue of pseudoelastic NiTi alloy. In-Service Damage

               of Materials, its Diagnostics and Prediction: Proceeding of the International Scientific

               and Technical Conference 24-27 September 2019, Ternopil, 2019. P. 184–186.

                      34. Yasniy  P.,  Iasnii  V.  Influence  of  stress  ratio  on  functional  fatigue  of

               pseudoelastic NiTi alloy. Fracture Mechanics of Materials and Structural Integrity.

               Book of abstracts of the 6th International Conference 3-6 June 2019, Lviv , 2019. P.


                      35.  Yasniy P., Iasnii V., Lapusta Y., Kononchuk O.. Loading and Functional

               and  structural  fatigue  of  pseudoelastic  NiTi  shape  memory.  ECF  22  Loading  and

               Environment Effects  on Structural Integrity. Book of Abstracts 26-31 August 2018,

               Belgrade, P. 471.

                      36.  Yasniy  P.,  Rudawska  A.,  Iasnii  V.,  Zelenskiy  V.  Methodology  and  some

               results of study of frequency and waveform effect on the fatigue crack growth resistance
               of heat-resistant steel. Пошкодження матеріалів під час експлуатації, методи його

               діагностування і прогнозування: праці V міжн. наук.-техн. конф., м. Тернопіль 19-
               22 вересня 2017р., Тернопіль, 2017. С. 226–229.

                      37.  Rudawska A., Maziarz M., Šajgalík M., Valášek P., Zlamal T., Iasnii V. The

               influence  of  selected  factors  on  the  strength  of  wood  adhesive  joints.  Innovative

               technologies  in  engineering  production.  Materials  of  2-nd  International  scientific

               conference 4–6 September 2017, Kazimierz Dolny, 2017. P. 23.

                      38.  Sulym H., Yasniy O., Pasternak Ia., Iasnii V. Fracture mechanics analysis of

               pyroelectric solids containing 3D semi-permeable cracks. International Conference on

               Structural Integrity and Durability, (August 15–18, 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia), P. 31–32.
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