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                     Stankevych  O.  M.  Methodological  backgrounds  of  identification  of  materials

               fracture types by the energy parameters of acoustic emission. – Qualification scientific

               work as a manuscript.

                     Thesis  for  the  Doctor’s  degree  in  Engineering  Sciences  by  specialty  05.02.10  –

               diagnostics of materials and structures (132 – materials science). – Karpenko Physico-

               Mechanical Institute of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Lviv, 2019.

                     The dissertation is devoted to the scientific and technical problem which consists

               in the development on the basis of theoretical and experimental studies the methodo-

               logical  backgrounds  of  solids  fracture  diagnostics  and  estimation  of  the  structural

               materials state using energy parameters of acoustic emission of elastic wave.

                     From the literature review the brittle (quasibrittle) and ductile fracture are paid the

               most  attention.  A brittle fracture is the  most dangerous  for  strength of  a structure or

               product, because of spontaneous and fast-flowing character. Therefore, the identifica-

               tion of materials fracture types of is the important problem for the efficiency increasing

               of  the  technical  diagnostics  (TD)  and  nondestructive  testing  (NDT)  of  the  industrial

               objects and products. It will make it possible based on NDT data and linear fracture

               mechanics approaches to make operatively and in real time a decision about operation

               prolongation of the object under the test. The method of acoustic emission (AE) is the

               most effective way to study the processes and stages of the development of the material

               structure imperfections and to estimation the state of the objects under the test.

                     The combination of analytical and numerical approaches to the simulation of the

               sources of the AE elastic waves with the experimental methods of their identification

               makes it possible to find the relationships between the individual parameters of defects

               of materials and AE elastic waves. These relationships may be used to solve the inverse

               problem  –  determination  of  the  defect  parameters  through  the  AE  signals.  Wavelet

               transform (WT) is used to study structure and peculiarities of signal with the areas of

               different duration and frequencies. Based on the literature analysis it may be said that

               the WT of AE and magnetoacoustic (MAE) signals is effective tool for identification of
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