P. 16


                  were  used  during  the  development  of  SOU  60.3-30019801-070,

                  DSTU N B A.3.1-29, changes No. 1 to DSTU 4219 with the participation of the


                         Keywords:  main  gas  pipeline, pipe  steel,  protective  coatings,  corrosion

                  cracking,  complex  corrosion  protection,  cathodic  protection,  slow  strain  rate

                  method, potentiometry, fractography.

                                Список опублікованих праць за темою дисертації.

                   Наукові праці, в яких опубліковані основні наукові результати дисертації.

                         1.  Nyrkova  L.  Stress-corrosion  cracking  of  pipe  steel  under  complex

                  influence  of  factors.  Engineering  Failure  Analysis.  2020.  Vol.  116.  104757

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                         2.  Andreikiv  O.  E.,  Hembara  O.  V.,  Tsyrul’nyk  O.  T.,  Nyrkova  L.  I.

                  Evaluation of the residual lifetime of a section of a main gas pipeline after long-

                  term  operation.  2012.  Materials  science.  Vol.  48.  №  2.  P.  231–238  (Scopus,

                  Web of Science).

                         3.  Osadchuk  S.  O.,  Nyrkova  L.  I.,  Rybakov  A.  O.,  Ostapyuk  S.  M.

                  Influence of the Products of Electrochemical Destruction of Protective Coatings

                  on the Properties of Pipe Steel in Low-Alkaline Media. Materials science. 2014.

                  Vol. 50. № 3. P. 461–467 (Scopus, Web of Science).

                         4.  Nyrkova  L.  I.,  Mel’nychuk  S.  L.,  Osadchuk  S.  O.,  Rybakov  A.  O.

                  Corrosion  cracking  of  Kh70  pipe  steel  for  potentials  close  to  the  maximum

                  protective  potential.  Materials  Science.  2019.  Vol.  54,  №  4.  P.  567–572

                  (Scopus, Web of Science).

                         5.  Nyrkova  L.  І.,  Osadchuk  S.  О.,  Rybakov  А.  О.,  Mel’nychuk  S.  L.
                  Methodical approach and a criterion for the evaluation of the susceptibility of

                  pipe steel to corrosion cracking. Materials Science. 2020. Vol. 55. № 5. P. 625–
                  632 (Scopus, Web of Science).

                         6. Nyrkova L.І. Corrosion cracking of Kh70 pipe steel under the conditions
                  of  cathodic  protection.  Materials  Science.  2020.  Vol.  56,  №  2.  P.273–277

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