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       помех.  Разработаны  вихретоковые  структуроскопы  для  мониторинга  эксплуатаци-
       онной  деградации  авиационных  конструкций  из  алюминиевых  сплавов,  а  также
       оценки поверхностных газонасыщенных слоев титановых сплавов с использованием
       повышенных (более 100 МГц) рабочих частот.
            Развита методология метрологического обеспечения вихретоковой дефектоско-
       пии,  в  частности  предложена  классификация  стандартных  образцов,  исследовано
       влияние ширины дефекта на сигнал вихретокового преобразователя, предложен ме-
       тод статистической оценки образцов с природными трещинами.
            Ключевые  слова:  неразрушающий  вихретоковый  контроль,  вихретоковый
       преобразователь, метод объемных интегральных уравнений, дефектоскопия, струк-
       туроскопия, комплексная плоскость, удельная электрическая проводимость.

            Uchanin V.M. The development of methods and means for eddy current testing
       of materials and constructions. - Manuscript.
            Thesis for Doctor’s degree in technical science by speciality 05.11.13 – Devices and
       methods of testing and determination the composition of substances. – Karpenko Physico-
       Mechanical Institute of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Lviv, 2017.
            The thesis is devoted to the creation of the means and technologies for eddy current
       inspection of products that are characterized by high levels of noise. The signals of para-
       metric and unaxial type eddy current probes are investigated by volume integral equations
       method and experimentally. The features of parametric type probe signal distribution for
       cracks with different length was investigated to determine the optimal  probe size. New
       method for the crack length determination is proposed. The peculiarities of unaxial type
       probe signal for different orientation relative to crack direction and coil spacing are inves-

       tigated. The parameter for determination of eddy current probes efficiency is proposed. Its
       invariant properties relatively on the number of turns and on the winding size while main-
       taining the aspect ratio are shown. The efficiencies of coils placed on ferrite core are in-
            The number of double differential type eddy current probes for detection of the sub-
       surface defects, such as the defects under protective coating and local subsurface pores in
       copper products, are developed and investigated. Their effectiveness to determine the ver-
       tical section of the inspected object by the eddy current tomography system is shown. The
       signals from the cracks with different angles relative to the controlled surface are investi-
       gated and the method of angle determination is proposed. The influence of the electrical
       conductivity anisotropy of non-magnetic materials and stresses in ferromagnetic materials
       to a signal of the double differential type probe is investigated.
            А number of flaw detectors and technologies for eddy current inspection of products,
       characterized by high levels of noise, are developed and implemented to industry. Devices
       for structure analyzing during the monitoring of the aluminum alloys operational degrada-
       tion in aircraft structures, as well as for gas-filled layers of titanium alloys evaluation are
       developed. Metrological methodology to support eddy current flaw detection is developed.
            Key words: non-destructive eddy current testing, eddy current probe, volume inte-
       gral equation method, flaw detection, structure analysis, complex plane, specific electrical
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