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       частицами  SiC  является  более  эффективным  по  сравнению  с  гальваническим
       хромированием  для  повышения  его  износостойкости  при  испытаниях  жестко
       закрепленным абразивом. Его износостойкость повышается в 93 раза по сравнению с
       немодифицированным  сплавом.  При  испытаниях  незакрепленным  абразивом  более
       эффективным  оказалось  высокоскоростное  газопламенное  напыление  покрытий  с
       добавлением VC, которое повысило износостойкость алюминиевого сплава в 7–9 раз.
       Поскольку  проведенные  экспериментальные  исследования  убедительно  обосно-
       вывают эффективность  предложенных способов упрочнения,  то их  можно рекомен-
       довать как альтернативу экологически небезопасной технологии хромирования.
            Ключевые  слова:  алюминиевый  сплав,  лазерно  модифицированные  слои,  кар-
       бид  кремния,  погонная  энергия,  высокоскоростные  газопламенные  покрытия,
       карбид  ванадия,  включение  кобальта,  жестко  закрепленный  абразив,  незакреп-
       ленный абразив, износостойкость, коррозионная стойкость.

            Zadorozhna  Kh.  R.  Increasing  of  the  abrasive  wear  resistance  of  aluminum
       alloys by forming coatings strengthened by SiC and VC carbides. The manuscript.
            The dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences, speciality 05.02.01
       Materials  Science.  Karpenko  Physico  Mechanical  Institute  of  the  National  Academy  of
       Sciences of Ukraine, 2019.
            The  dissertation  is  devoted  to  establishing  the  laws  of  the  surface  layers  structure
       formation  of  aluminium  alloys  by  laser  modification  with  SiC  particles  and  high-speed

       flame  spraying  of  coatings  with  the  addition  of  VC,  which  is  proposed  as  alternative
       hardening methods compared to galvanic chromium plating. In addition, the wear resis-
       tance of strengthened layers by testing using a rigidly fixed and not fixed abrasive, as well
       as their corrosion-electrochemical properties in aqueous media with pH≈7 were estimated.
            To obtain wear-resistant Al – SiC composite layers up to 1.5 mm thick the regime of
       laser modification of the surface by silicon carbide particles was optimized in the range of
       740...1100 J/cm of the linear energy input.
            Based on the complex of studies, the influence of both the sizes of vanadium carbides
       and  the  presence  of  cobalt  inside  the  strengthened  layers  obtained  by  high-speed  flame
       spraying on the wear resistance and a wear mechanism under various test conditions were
            The methods of surface hardening of B95 aluminium alloy were ranged relative to
       unstrengthened alloy by the wear resistance level under various test conditions, as well as
       their energy consumption and environmental safety. It is revealed that to increase the wear
       resistance at testing with fixed abrasive, environmentally friendly laser modification of the
       alloy surface by SiC particles is more effective than galvanic chrome plating. At its using
       the  wear  resistance  of  the  strengthened  layers  increases  by  93  times  relative  to  non-
       modifications  alloy.  At  wear  testing  with  a  not  fixed  abrasive,  the  coating  using  high-
       speed  flame  spraying  by  the  VC  particles  was  more  efficiently  increased  the  wear
       resistance of an aluminium alloy (up to 7–9 times).
            Keywords:  aluminium  alloys,  laser-modified  layers,  silicon  carbide,  linear  energy
       input,  high-speed  flame  coatings,  vanadium  carbide,  cobalt  inclusions,  wear  resistance,
       rigidly fixed abrasive, not fixed abrasive, corrosion resistance.
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